Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

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Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Kannon »

Before the landing everyone had been warned that the temperature on Arrakis at this time is around gentle 42 degrees and they all should prepare for quick embarkation on the vehicles provided by the mission in order not to suffer heatstroke. The Sardaukar would order a breakdown of the CHOAM audit members into teams: two shall commute by the provided groundcars, one by the ornitopter, all of them proofed for the mission on Kaitain. There shall be a Sardaukar guard/driver on each of those. If one had secured their own means of transport and meant to use it now, they would be recommended a Sardaukar guard as well.

What could startle those who hadn't been on Arrakis before was the colour of the skies. There was no sign of blue in them. Once the frigate descended, tinges of yellow and orange visible through plaz screens would supersede the blackness of space. It made a visual impression of plummeting deeper into a well formed by distant fires, a fitting sensation to prepare one for the exposure.

Their destination was the Arrakeen Residency, where Count Fenring, the Imperial Spice Observer, was waiting for them with a reception.


Selection: Who goes with who. Choose One: Groundcar #1, Groundcard #2, Thopter. Ebrahammi counts as Sardaukar for the sake of presence in the vehicle.

If one has their own vehicle as an Asset, it takes a Communicate 3 Test to convince a Sardaukar not to go with them, Communicate 4 if it means taking someone else from the mission. Some focuses may apply, some traits may make it harder or easier: ask before you roll.

The event shall proceed once everyone posts their choice, or in the next 8 hours, whatever is quicker. Use your post to describe behaviour, precautions, and the use of any talents that depend on being used at the beginning of the scene.


Scene Traits: Unknown Environment, Heat

Scene Momentum: 0

The cost for adding Supporting Characters to the Scene is nullified for the Scene.
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Bomilcar Thorvald »

Bomilcar tended towards ground transport most of the time, though that was because he had eyes in the sky when he needed them. Without direct support from a known quantity, he felt keeping visual awareness would be more important. So he opted to take the Thopter.


Bom's riding in the thopter!
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Mares Aveti
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Mares Aveti »

Mares isn't terribly fussy about how, just that we seems to want to keep moving. He heads to the first groundcar he sees.


Mares is in Groundcar #1
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Dorian Drake
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Dorian Drake »

They had been briefed on the heat, but it one was thing to think about it and another to experience. While Edwell was wearing a beige robe with a hood to provide protection from the sun, Dorian was wearing a wide-brim reed hat and a thin, flowing robe with a floral pattern.
Although Dorian looked like a tourist disembarking from a seven day cruise, he was Constantly Watching and focused on his Danger Sense as they pepared to head into the streets of Arrakeen.

They both queued up to board Groundcar #1.
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Ahmina »


Ground cars? How unwise

The Sardaukar could claim all they want that the cars were secure but Ayawa had been on Arrakis several times before and learned to stay in the air when possible.

He still took note of the designs and the number of sardaukars present...just in case

(ooc: thopter chosen)
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Cuyler Gray
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Cuyler Gray »

Cuyler quickly checked to make sure she had anything she might need with her. There was nothing she could do about the heat, so she was thinking ahead to their destination. Once ready, she quickly followed the others, climbing into the second groundcar. She imagined she'd be able to see more from the air, but she was more curious as to what she might hear.

- - -
Groundcar #2
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Dorian Drake »

Mares Aveti wrote:
Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:46 pm
Mares isn't terribly fussy about how, just that we seems to want to keep moving. He heads to the first groundcar he sees.


Mares is in Groundcar #1
Seeing a new face, Dorian couldn't help but reach out, "Hello there. I'm Dorian Drake, Swordmaster of House Mutelli, and this is my compatriot Edwell Santini, Lawtech, also of House Mutelli. Who do we have the honor of sharing a car with?"
House Mutelli |Swordmaster of Ginaz | Duelist | Opulent | Charismatic
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Claudius Reins
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Claudius Reins »

As Reins steps off the transport and listens to instructions he flips up the hood of his cloak, which shimmers from matching his tweed suit to a more silvery almost mirrored color that almost seems to radiate the heat.
Jubba.jpg (35.73 KiB) Viewed 21560 times
He pauses a moment speaking to his companion she motions toward the Thopter and he nods then heads toward the rear most limo himself, patting his leg Kage runs up to join him.
border-collie-ap-1bwcwp.jpg (13.25 KiB) Viewed 21560 times
Meanwhile the young lady from Londine heads to board the Thopter after looking it over with a professional eye.
addison.jpg (10.27 KiB) Viewed 21560 times
(Reins and Kage in Car 2, Passepartout going by air. )
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Cuyler Gray
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Cuyler Gray »

She gave the man a nod and the dog a smile.
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Cuyler Gray wrote:
Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:12 pm
She gave the man a nod and the dog a smile.
Claudius smiles to Gray, nodding as he skritches Kagi between the ears. The dog gives the young lady a wide smile and pants at her a few times before turning to look at the window.
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Mares Aveti
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Mares Aveti »

Dorian Drake wrote:
Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:09 pm

Seeing a new face, Dorian couldn't help but reach out, "Hello there. I'm Dorian Drake, Swordmaster of House Mutelli, and this is my compatriot Edwell Santini, Lawtech, also of House Mutelli. Who do we have the honor of sharing a car with?"
Mares inclines his head in acknowledgement. "Mares Aveti, Steward of House Vernius at your service. Thank you for the company"
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Reyyan Ebrahammi »

Reyyan sits at the back of one of the cars, in full armor despite things. She never did like cars much, but she'd be damned if she was leaving the vehicle without an escort. Or getting left behind.


((OOC: In car #2, in armor, shield off but at ready.))
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Bomilcar Thorvald wrote:
Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:25 pm
Bomilcar tended towards ground transport most of the time, though that was because he had eyes in the sky when he needed them. Without direct support from a known quantity, he felt keeping visual awareness would be more important. So he opted to take the Thopter.


Bom's riding in the thopter!
addison.jpg (10.27 KiB) Viewed 21521 times
The young lady mounts up into the thopter next to the Thorvald, she smiles and nods, and then takes a quick look over the controls, leaning forward to notate the gauges without getting in the pilots way.
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Genevieve Wallach
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Genevieve Wallach »

The long desert run ahead was tiresome and stressful. The heat was already atrocious and annoying, but for now, all she could do was sit comfortably in the first car. It was hard for her to ever turn off her senses, reading everyone around her. Looking for flaws in their demeanor. She gave everyone a proper look over at least 3 times with one of her aids before properly socializing with her fellow passengers.

Hopefully they could get to somewhere cooler quickly so they could be done with this and get started on the real task at hand.
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Reyyan Ebrahammi wrote:
Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:35 pm
Reyyan sits at the back of one of the cars, in full armor despite things. She never did like cars much, but she'd be damned if she was leaving the vehicle without an escort. Or getting left behind.


((OOC: In car #2, in armor, shield off but at ready.))
As the internal space of the ground car cuts off direct sunlight, Reins's cloak settles back to a brown color matching his tweed suit, he gives a nod as Reyyan slides into the compartment "Saurdaukar" Kagi gives the new comer a once over and then returns his attention to the window.
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Kannon »

Thopter: Bomilcar, Cybillus, Addison, a Sardaukar
Groundcar #1: Dorian, Edwell, Mares, Genevieve, a Sardaukar
Groundcar #2: Reins, Gray, Reyyan


The ornithopter took off with the flutter of its foldable wings, gaining altitude fast, offering a panorama on Arrakeen and the Shield Wall, especially the Broken Land directly to the south. The Residency, their target, was in clear sight. They would get there in no time...

The groundcars were fast and armoured, offering refreshing coolness of interior, and as they darted off, steadily driven by the Sardaukar, they would soon diverge on different pathways, the first one taking a route via the water farms, with fields of dew collectors stretching for kilometres. The second one took the industrial route toward the north. They would both converge near the Residency...

And then, the world shook, followed by the sound of a devastating explosion just betwixt the pathways of both cars, and below the thopter!


The shockwave hit them like an iron hammer, the tool of Fremen judgement, blasting cars off the roads, making them balance on suspensors just a push from capsizing, and the thopter into a downward spiral, straight into the raging inferno!


Every passenger must take a Discipline Test 3 to avoid temporary incapacitation. One of them (and only one, per vehicle) can instead take Move Test 3 for the car and 4 for the thopter to take the veering off the doom path in their own hands, and off the hands of the Sardaukar! Complication Level: 16. Threat bucket is open.
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Addison attempts to take the controls of the Thopter to keep it from crashing...
Addison- Pilot/Power - Ornithopter Crash Diff 4, 1 Threat for die diff 11, crit 6: 3d20 25 (6,7,12)
(3 successes/4) +1 Threat

Reroll from Bom

Addison- Pilot/Power - Ornithopter Crash Diff 4, diff 12, crit 7 (Reroll from Brom): 3#1d20 3 2 20
4 Success/4 +1 Complication


Meanwhile in the car, the dog crawls down between the seats keeping his head down.
Kagi Discipline / Duty Diff 3 TN 10 Crit 1: 3#1d20 6 3 4
3 Successes/3 +1 Threat

Reins on the other hand is jostled badly
Reins Discipline / Faith Diff 3 TN 12 Crit 1: 2#1d20 7 5
2 Successes/3 +0 Threat
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Cuyler Gray
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Cuyler Gray »

It's always too good to be true. Cuyler had hoped for a nice, uneventful ride, but this was Arrakis. Even if it wasn't, she had learned long ago that the truth was rarely what you wanted it to be.

That's why she had researched the types of transportation they'd likely be using. She was far from an expert driver, but she had an understanding of the controls. Moving swiftly, she took control of the groundcar and steered it back on track.

- - -
Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous] Move/Truth 3, Intense Study to use Understanding with Focus, Drive Statement Applicable, TN 14: 2d20 2, 14

3 successes
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Ahmina »


Everything was happening so fast in a moment Cybilus's head smashed against the sides of the apparel

Thopter attack! Discipline+Justice, 12 or under, diff 3: 2#1d20 18 1
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Dorian Drake
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Dorian Drake »

As the explosion rocked the street, the groundcar was pushed over and started to tip. Dorian instinctively lunged at the controls for the vehicle to right it and steer away from the debris.

LA1, Move 3, -2 Nimble, Move 6 + Faith 6, Focus Escaping <12: 2#1d20 13 15
0 success, spending Determination Point to reroll.

LA1, Move 3, -2 Nimble, Move 6 + Faith 6, Focus Escaping <12, Determination reroll: 2#1d20 11 17
Passed 1 success vs 1 difficulty, 1 complication at 17.

Meanwhile in the back of the groundcar, Edwell tumbled about and was incapacitated.

LA1, Discipline 3, Discipline 5 + Power 5, <10: 3#1d20 17 9 18
Failed 1 success vs 3 difficulty, 2 complications at 17&18.
House Mutelli |Swordmaster of Ginaz | Duelist | Opulent | Charismatic
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Bomilcar Thorvald »

He would make it through this, like all the other attempts. He didn't know who would keep these people alive if he went down.

Through sheer determination, the shock to his brain was shrugged off as though he was used to such things. He then reached out and stabilized Addison's had on the stick. "You can do better," he states with an iron will.


D1, Discipline + Duty, Focus: Resolve, TN 15, Crit 7: 2#1d20 1 14

2 threat to bolster Addison, giving her a reroll she can use Bomilcar's 7 resolve for if she wants
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Kannon »

Yasim and several others, who had been delayed by a thopter issue and a disagreement with a Sardaukar, saw the explosion from a relatively safe distance, though it violated their eardrums and the dustwave that reached them clotted whoever was outside. However, the thopter didn't suffer, and they'd soon be ready to take flight!

Let's delay here until this phase of event is over and last players join up. You guys will be rolling on stuff soon enough!
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Genevieve Wallach
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Genevieve Wallach »

Well, this was something she didn't expect. Well, she wasn't exactly the welcome she would have expected, but then again, she should have. At least it didn't seem like anyone here was involved.

Still, her pride as a member of a House would not stop her from being disrespected like this. She had to stay alive and make sure these idiots knew who they assaulted. She did her absolute best to hold on and not pass out from the explosion, and nearly had it too. Unfortunately, she didn't foresee some random rock hitting her head, sending her away from consciousness.

Well, it was a hot enough day to take a nap.

Cool Girls Don't Look at Explosions (Stubbornness of Royalty prevails!) Duty+Discipline = DC 12 (Threat spent to roll 1 more d20): 3d20 [10, 13, 6]

2/3 suxx
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Kannon »

Bolstered by Bomilcar, on sheer will alone did Addison pull the handles to take the thopter out of the blast, having torn them from the hands of the Sardaukar, surprising herself with her prowess in handling the machine. Her self-assurence would be less once she would notice that one of the flapwings was tarnished and the aircraft began an assymetric flight!

[Complication: Tarnished Thopter]

Another immediate issue was the white rage they could see on the face of the fearsome warrior, and it was not yet clear whether it was on them, on the event, on its perpetrators, or all of the above.

[Two threat for Complication: Angry Sardaukar]

Ayawa couldn't care less, having blacked out after his head hit something.

[Cybillus will not take part in the next phase of the event.]
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Re: Welcome to Arrakis [LA1, Dangerous]

Post by Kannon »

The second groundcar was returned to control with a soft touch one could afford if they knew what they wear doing, and now revved toward the city again, leaving the explosion behind. Gray was in control. Not all was good there, though. While the Levenbrech's superior armour absorbed practically all impact, the Londine analyst lay on the backseat unconscious, his dog over him, licking his face to wake him up.

[Reins gets 1 Advancement Point for failing a Difficulty 3 Test]
The Maker | Blessed Her Coming and Going
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