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D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 3:00 pm
by Claudius Reins
Claudius Reins heads down to the Industrial area, with an escort, to check out the local supply chain of harvester parts, where they are manufacture both for new harvesters and replacement harvesters. He is as normal in his full suit and cloak over his still suit.

Passive Scrutiny (The general mood of the area?)

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 4:29 pm
by Cuyler Gray
Cuyler joined Claudius, simularly dressed. She looked around casually, assessing the area.

- - -
Passive Scrutiny (Points of interest?)

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 4:43 pm
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
It was hot out, but all members of the expedition who ventured out needed and escort. And when it came to Cuyler Gray, Reyyan would always rather that escort be her than one of her subordinates. So it was that she was out in her stillsuit, trying to be conspicuous without being intimidating.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 4:47 pm
by Kannon
Fear and apathy dominate. Workers look away whenever the gaze rests on them and go about their tasks. Most of them are working in fenced factories anyway, out of public view, and what you can see is logistics guys. Most of the noises are industrial, not human. The shift change is in the evening.

By the looks of it, the harvester construction sector located in Carthag is in unsophisticated prefabs - structure, chassis, propulsion parts. Whatever technological complexity comes into them must be done elsewhere. Reins and Gray could notice several naked hulls waiting for liftoff. Perhaps the Harkonnen don't trust the local workers with anything valuable and miniaturised enough that it can be stolen?

One point of interest is water reclamation centre. Industry needs water, and here it is provided in a hub-and-spokes manner, the pipes spreading all directions, either dug deep underground or enclosed in concrete sarcophagi, and guarded, though mostly by remotely controlled (or automated?!) systems. It is unclear if industrial water gets any consumer application later on - it may be a closed system. But there are logos of Water Sellers on its tall pylons.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:20 am
by Claudius Reins
Gain Trait : On Guard

"I think we should start with the harvester part factories, unless one of you has a better idea"

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:27 am
by Cuyler Gray
"That's a good idea." she agreed. "Maybe we can learn something about how that harvester could have been taken."

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 7:06 am
by Kannon
There were guards at the fence.

[Discipline 2, noticing check]

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 2:24 pm
by Claudius Reins

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:21 pm
by Cuyler Gray

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:47 am
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
Like her companions, Reyyan was on alert. Though there was a lot to take in, and a lot of distractions.


Day 4, Discipline 2, Discipline/Duty, TN15: 2#1d20 18 3

1 success

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:28 am
by Kannon
Cuyler discovered that the fence was laced with contact poison. Not necessarily lethal, but very unpleasant. The realisation filled her with dread. Her imagination went wild on what kind of traps the Harkonnnen had laid for those they didn't want to emerge with findings.

[Complication: Anxious]

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:35 am
by Cuyler Gray
"Don't touch the fence." she whispered.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 1:34 pm
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
Rey nodded; She wasn't sure what Miss Gray was talking about, but if she'd noticed something it was probably a good idea to listen. Even with gloves on and such.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 1:50 pm
by Claudius Reins
"Aye, I would be careful all around" he pulls a pair of white gloves from his pocket and slips them on.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:02 pm
by Kannon
"What is your business here?" The guard asked as they approached.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:17 am
by Claudius Reins
"We are Imperial Auditors with the CHOAM delegation here to audit your records"

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:30 am
by Kannon
"So you say. Show me your papers." Ah, a stickler.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:46 am
by Claudius Reins
Reins pulls out his papers of authority holding them up where the soldier can see them, he also looks over his shoulder at the obvious Saudakar escort.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:00 am
by Kannon
Unabashed, the man studied them with attention. A stickler indeed.

"I don't think it gives you access into private property. This is a private property, not a Harkonnen estate." He said finally, apparently happy to stick it up to them. The fact that he wore Harkonnen livery made it feel unreal. He returned the papers. "No access."

[You can continue the conversation to get a better grasp of the situation and possibly unlock key info, but if you want outcomes here, a roll will be needed at some point. Once you're ready, tell me your angle and I'll give you the roll.]

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:09 pm
by Claudius Reins
Reins takes a deep breath and then explains to the man, the exact section and subsection of Imperial Audit code that gives him the right to access any Harkonnen holdings, whether formally owned by the house or private ventures. (Understand/Bureaucracy?)

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:30 pm
by Kannon
"You haven't been listening. This is not a Harkonnen holding." This man was enjoying it, wrapping them in red tape. "It is owned by someone who owes no fealty to the Harkonnen." It still sounded ridiculous, but the man was too certain to be saying open falsehood. He had apparently been prepared for this conversation, by someone who'd proofed him for exactly this.

[Claudius' angle is extremely hard given the circumstances - Communicate 5, with some regulations focus; each failure adds +1 to the difficulty of following tests.]

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:39 pm
by Claudius Reins
Communication/Truth Diff 5 13/5 <CHOAM Bureaucracy> +2 Dice <3 Threat>: 4#1d20 8 3 16 18[/b
Spending Determination on the two failures
Communication/Truth Diff 5 13/5 <CHOAM Bureaucracy> +2 Dice <3 Threat>: 2#1d20 2 5
(7 Successes if Specialty Applies, 4 if it doesn't)

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:15 pm
by Kannon
"What can one do against such fierce procedurality." The guard shrugged and turned on the comms before continuing. "You are going in."

A second after those words a small explosion rocked the area, gutting one of the further buildings and releasing a column of thick black smoke.

"Oh my, a sudden industrial accident. Private entrepreneurs these days, skimpy on safety! Surely you can handle some poisonous smoke, oh supreme auditors?"

As the cloud was approaching them, the guard put on a mask.

[Spent 4 threat on Poisonous Smoke 2; you all get an Advancement Point and a Legitimate Suspicion!]

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:09 pm
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
Rey thought fast; Putting her helmet and rebreather on one of her companions was out of the question; It wasn't designed to fit airtight to normal clothes or stillsuits, just Sardaukar pattern drop armor. And she certainly had nothing else to use for protection for them.

So she put the helmet on herself, "I can check what happened if you wish, Sir Reins and Lady Gray. But I'll not take you with me if so, so I would be abandoning my duty to you. Only on orders then. Either way, I would hasten out of here if I were you; I cannot defend you against smoke or gas.

Reyyan's words crackled out through the helmet's electronic filter, harsh and monotone.

Re: D4 - LA - Local Suppliers

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:21 pm
by Cuyler Gray
Cuyler backed away, eyeing both the smoke and the fence. "These incidents are becoming a habit. Be careful, Levenbrech."