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Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:09 am
by Kannon
Cuyler Gray wrote:
Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:48 pm
"Yes ma'am." she adjusted the groundcar's direction quickly.

- - -
Into the Cinders [EE1], Reroll from Reyyan, Discipline (8) / Duty (7), 2+1 Successes: 3#1d20 13 1 8
[+2 Scene Momentum from Bonus successes.]

The running man, clad tightly in a jubba cloak, was cut off. He pulled a maula pistol and took a shot at the car, though the pellet was too weak to penetrate the armour plaz even as it made a deep indentation in it at the height of Cuyler's torso. Even before he'd learn the result of his pot shot, he'd dart sideways.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:33 pm
by Kannon
Claudius Reins wrote:
Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:37 am
Reins takes a few moments to look over how the warehouses were laid out and what steps could be taken to stop such domino fires from happening in the future, he also keeps an eye open for any signs verifying what the warehouses had in them.
Without the trained senses Cuyler had, he could only tell that the stench was some chemicals, but given the clean burn after the explosion, they didn't seem to be explosive, merely flammable. It was also possible that that one warehouse was different than the rest, but through smoke and walls it was hard to tell whether what was burning in other storehouses were machine parts, clothing, foodstuffs, or anything else.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:32 pm
by Claudius Reins
Reins frowns, "It seems like a strongly chemical smell, industrial waste or something?" He shakes his head, "Do we know what the warehouses held or why they were targets?" He sits back and lets security handle the chase, Kagi at the alert.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:47 pm
by Cuyler Gray
"Spice melange." Cuyler said, her eyes still fixed on the fleeing man. "That is definitely the smell of spice. A fortune's worth up in smoke."

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:10 pm
by Claudius Reins
"He has opened fire, Saudaukar, do we want him alive?"

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:15 pm
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
"Best to ask questions first, either way."

The Sardaukar once again hopped out of the car, this time not even saying anything before attempting to use her throwing-dart knife to trip up the man with the pistol and pull him onto his back.


((OOC:)) attempting to use the line from throwing dagger to pull an AT-AT on this guy, if possible.


Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:24 pm
by Kannon
[Battle (Sneak Attacks or Dirty Fighting) at 3, because of Limited Visibility, Complication at 18]

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:32 pm
by Claudius Reins
Reins will give Kagi a command and send him after the Saudakar

The dog will attempt to harrass the man to assist the Saudakar in her attack.

Kagi Assist on attack for Saudakar, TN 11, Crit 6: 2#1d20 18 9

+1 Success +1 Complication

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:38 am
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
With the dog distracting, Reyyan gave a flick or her wrist to try to get the line and weighted dagger to wrap around the man's ankles.


Day 1,Into the Cinders, Battle (Sneak Attacks or Dirty Fighting) at 3, 1 success already from Assist. Battle/Duty (only those who know their place deserve freedoms), TN14, using 1 momentum for extra die: 3#1d20 15 13 3

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:52 am
by Kannon
The man changed the route fleeing from the dog, but the bola knife got his legs just as he was hopping over the fire. He collapsed on the other side, into the scorching heat, and cried out in great pain.

[Complication: Fire crossing needs to be risked to get the man.]

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:11 am
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
Reyyan cursed through her helmet, but didn't hesitate; The man might die, but not until he gave her some answers. Leaving the line on her throwing dagger loose, she ran forward and leaped over to where the tied man had fallen!

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:18 am
by Kannon
[Discipline 4 to step into the fire and reclaim him, reduced to 1 by the Quality 2 armour, upped by 1 by the Complication, and upped twice by me for 4 Threat back to 4; 1 Advancement Point for you regardless of outcome because of Threat expenditure. Sacrificing the dog brings it down by 1. Using the car to ram in allows one Assistance, but with Move, and brings down the groundcar's quality from 1 to 0. Complication level: 16]

The inferno awaited.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:56 am
by Claudius Reins
TN 15 Diff 1, Move/Justice assist, Crit 8, Reap What you Sow, Intense Study: 2#1d20 4 2
( Successes, lowers Diff of Reyyan's roll by 2)
(only supposed to be 1 die on assist rolls)

Total Scene Momentum 1 up to this point

Reins reaches up and takes the wheel from Gray quickly, turning hard he runs the car across the flaming wall, creating a temporary bridge for the Saudaukar to use to cross, but badly burning the cars detailing. Mean while Kagi sits sentry a safe distance from the flames.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 9:02 am
by Kannon
The collapsed man showed in the space opened in the wall of fire, whose whips wouldn't suffer the intrusion long and began consuming the car, turning it into a stove. The dog's desperate howl added to the deafening, frantic cracking.

[Difficulty is 2 now.]

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:20 pm
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
Figuring the occupants of the car must have a plan in mind, Reyyan trusted Lady Gray well enough really even if she didn't know the other occupant, Reyyan focused on the fire and her quarry. She strode into the fire mindless of it's licking tongues and picked the man up, slinging him over one of her broad shoulders before walking back out.

"Lady Gray, Sir Reins, I thank you for the assistance, but don't tarry too long please; I can explain the loss of a vehicle but not either of you."


Day 1,Into the Cinders, Discipline/Faith, Difficulty 2, TN16: 2#1d20 9 3

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:46 pm
by Kannon
The man coughed heavily, squirming in the Sardaukar grasp. "What are you?!" And then Reyyan felt the gun to her neck. When she'd taken him out of the fire, there hadn't been enough time to check his sleeves.

[2 Threat to give him Armed trait; he had his maula all along, but has secured its grasp.]

"You let me go free, I tell you what you want to know." He managed to utter between coughs. Stillsuit mask had saved his lungs.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:56 pm
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
"Sardaukar don't negotiate, especially with lowlifes who shoot at them."

Her voice came out of her helmet as an electric sort of growl.

"If I let you live it'll be because you explained yourself to my satisfaction and no other reason. Regardless of what you think you can do with that pitiful gun of yours, I assure you if you attack me again, you'll wish you were back in that hellfire."


((OOC:)) Still walking, trying to intimidate the guy.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:59 pm
by Claudius Reins
Reins put the car in reverse, pulling out of the flames, he stops it a few feet away.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:11 pm
by Kannon
"Ah, Sardaukar. That explains things. What a lovely evening." The man couldn't sound any more desperate. He kept the maula where it had been as his only insurance. He didn't have any thick, local accent. "We didn't do it. Fremen did. Be angry at them."

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:06 pm
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
"Blowing up a spice mine? And just when the CHOAM delegation just so happened to be passing. I don't believe in coincidences that convenient. And what does that have to do with you shooting at our car?"

Reyyan looked up.

"And I suggest you put that maula away and thank my generosity; Normally, people that shoot at me don't get a chance to explain themselves."

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:37 pm
by Kannon
Coughing and wheezing, the man spilled the beans.

"They wanted to blow up a hidden Harkonnen spice storehouse. You know, an illegal one, just for your arrival, so you'd take notice. We'd learned of it and wanted to salvage some of the treasure beforehand, but Harkonnen were on high alert and caught trail. Things went awry quickly and all blew up prematurely. The Fremen might or might not have escaped, they seemed hell-bent on getting it done. The Bluejacks didn't make it out alive. Of my men, only I got out. That's more or less it. See, I'm helping. Now let me go, gods below! I acted in self-defence!"

The man reassessed and dropped the maula pistol.

[This is a Legitimate Suspicion. Londine, Mutelli, and Corrino can all count it as their achievement, but submitting it to the Count counts only once for Game Momentum.]

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:10 am
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
"A wise move. Come though; I think you'd be safer with me than being left here to the charms of Harkonnen enforcers, no? I can't bring your men back, but I'll see to it that their deaths weren't in vain, and I think you can help me with that.

The Amazonian woman set the man down before picking up his gun, looking it over before putting it in one of the pouches on her armored form.

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:51 am
by Kannon
"I can take care of myself. If you let me out, my... boss will contact you. He can be of good help to you in what you're planning."

He didn't seem pleased having his weapon taken, but said nothing. The man seemed desert-seasoned enough, even though his eyes weren't exactly blue-within-blue even as they carried a strong suggestion of getting there. He pointed to the approaching carryalls in the skies, carrying sandloads to kill the fire.

"We all must hurry!"

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:46 pm
by Cuyler Gray
Cuyler studied the man closely, before speaking up from the groundcar. "If we don't hear from him, I will come find you. Don't make me do that."

Re: Into the Cinders [EE1]

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:12 pm
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
Reyyan had thought about knocking the impudent man out, but since Lady Gray seemed to favor letting him go...

The Sardaukar woman climbed into the car, quite cognizant that she still had the man's weapon, "You heard the woman. And I wouldn't take her lightly."

The fact that she sighed afterwards wasn't hidden by the mask's voice systems, a crackly breath coming out as she turned to the driver, "Apologies for the diversion and putting your lives in danger. Let's do our best to catch up to the others."