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The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 5:12 pm
by Kannon
The remainder of the route through Arrakeen was a gruesome experience, and not even because of some injuries suffered by the auditors - none of them were lethal, nothing med tech couldn't fix. It were the pictures behind the window plaz - of executions on the streets. Lasgun shots were seen and heard around as randomly culled small groups were being punished for what had happened in the outskirts. Either the culpability had already been determined, arranged, or just irrelevant, but the response of the troops carrying the emblems of the Blue Griffin was obviously disproportionate.

It was a red sunset over the Shield Wall, filled with smoke, screams, and laser blasts.

[Passengers of those vehicles which go to the banquet right away may post here, still in their cabins].

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 6:09 pm
by Dorian Drake
Dorian was disgusted by what he saw. The brutal and indiscriminate violence was something he expected of Harkonnens, but nothing so blatant.

The immediacy of the retaliation alone spoke volumes. It seemed obvious to him that this was all theatrics, but to what end he couldn't figure. He was too distracted by the ignominy of it all.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:56 pm
by Genevieve Wallach
Coming to this place was just about what she was expecting from the Harkonnens as well, only it made sense. It was just as much as a intimidation factor for the natives as it was for those implementing the audit, no doubt. She wouldn't be swayed by it, however. They just a animal about to be cornered, so their snarling was just a defense mechanism.

"Well, that was a exciting trip". Genevieve said, her nice white outfit now stained with red. "Let's not do it again sometime." She smiled to the older gentlemen and nodded. "Thank you for saving us back there. I think we'd all be much worse off without you, including that bleeding gentlemen over there." Gene extended her hand to him, very uncharacteristic for someone of her status. Though, he was the reason the car was still stable. Showing gratitude, therefore, was quite appropriate. "Genevieve Wallach, Third Daughter of House Wallach. Who do I have to thank for taking the initiative and saving us from a far worse fate?" Her hands were still stained with the blood of his companion, but considering her name, it was a fair assumption she'd be used to having blood on them at this point.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:12 pm
by Dorian Drake
Dorian responded in a laughing manner, thinly veiling his distaste for what they had witnessed, "You are very welcome, although I don't believe our escort would agree with your evaluation." He accepted her hand and gave it a gentlemanly kiss, paying no mind to the drying blood, "Lady Wallach, you have my gratitude for patching up my friend here. I am Dorian Drake, Swordmaster of House Mutelli, and said friend is Edwell Santini, a Lawtech similarly in service to House Mutelli."

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:17 pm
by Claudius Reins
As the Thopter lands Addison makes a quick exit, to be under the Saudaukars eye as little as possible, she turns to scan for her boss, realizing that one of the ground cars is missing she frowns.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:55 pm
by Genevieve Wallach
Dorian Drake wrote:
Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:12 pm
Dorian responded in a laughing manner, thinly veiling his distaste for what they had witnessed, "You are very welcome, although I don't believe our escort would agree with your evaluation." He accepted her hand and gave it a gentlemanly kiss, paying no mind to the drying blood, "Lady Wallach, you have my gratitude for patching up my friend here. I am Dorian Drake, Swordmaster of House Mutelli, and said friend is Edwell Santini, a Lawtech similarly in service to House Mutelli."
"Think nothing of it, Dorian Drake. Edwell Santini. As I said before, being that car with the corpse on it would only ruin things for us coming in. Still, I do hope you make a full recovery, Edwell. Friends are very important, and a friend of someone I owe a debt of gratitude to is a friend of mine as well." She smiled at the two of them, staring them down. "Oh, a Swordmaster? I assumed by the way you are armed you were good with it. Hopefully your skillset your skills will during the duration of this audit."

She looked on, giving a gaze upon the wall once more. "Then again, I've never been known to be the optimistic type. Probably would not hurt to sneak in a lesson with you here and there, just in case. If that is all right, of course. Never been very good with this thing; it's likely dull from lack of use."
Claudius Reins wrote:
Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:17 pm
As the Thopter lands Addison makes a quick exit, to be under the Saudaukars eye as little as possible, she turns to scan for her boss, realizing that one of the ground cars is missing she frowns.
His attention turned to the Thopter and to the woman who exited. "Perhaps the air was the way to go."

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 1:35 am
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Claudius Reins wrote:
Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:17 pm
As the Thopter lands Addison makes a quick exit, to be under the Saudaukars eye as little as possible, she turns to scan for her boss, realizing that one of the ground cars is missing she frowns.
Bomilcar follows shortly after, as soon as it was clear Ayawa was being cared for.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 2:18 am
by Kannon
The thopter had a different pathway than the car, landing way ahead, on the rooftop of the Residency, figures there visible only in the broadest strokes from the distance. Its pilot had brought it down well despite flapwing damage. The fate of the second car wasn't foreclosed as the city below was busier than one's senses could register and tell apart. Maybe it was delayed.

Speaking of delay, before reaching the plaza before the Residency, a Harkonnen patrol insisted on the car stopping, flashing corresponding signs. The idea of just running over them on the part of the Sardaukar was real for a long moment, judging by his initial lack of reaction, but in the end he had his orders, apparently, and slowed down, turning on the comm.

"Make way, Harkonnen. This transfer has a diplomatic clearance."

After short static, "Count Lankiveil has declared a state of emergency in Arrakeen. Curfew is immediately effective. All vehicles must be checked."

"Imperial and CHOAM mandate. Check with the Residency."

"All vehicles must be checked."

Here was a soldier rather than an envoy, and his solutions to most contingencies were threats of violence or violence, swift and decisive. It was clear he was nearing the decision to speed up again and ram through the patrol...


Time for player intervention! Only short statements, and declaration of intent to which a test can be assigned.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 2:35 am
by Genevieve Wallach
Looking at the two of them, Gene rolled her eyes at the situation. "Just a means to delay us further, of course. Listen, before we push forward and risk further injury to Edwell in the process, could I attempt to talk to the Harkonnen first before we move to more drastic methods?" She gives a bright smile at the Sardaukar.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 2:42 am
by Kannon
Communicate 2+1 because he's still Angry, so 3.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:11 am
by Dorian Drake
Seeing the two forces of the Sardaukar escort and Harkonnen stubbornness clash, Dorian thought it best to encourage a cool-headed resolution.

Addressing the Sardaukar he says, "The Harkonnens aren't as disciplined as Sardaukar, if we make them think too hard, they may lash out like rabid dogs. I agree with Lady Wallach. Sometimes, the fastest way through an obstacle is to slow down."

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:13 am
by Kannon
Dorian's words qualify for Assistance.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:29 am
by Dorian Drake
His words seem to add weight to Lady Wallach's suggestion.

EE1, Assistance, Communicate 6 + Power 7, <13: 1d20 4
Passed 1 success

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:49 am
by Genevieve Wallach
With a smile and a nod to Dorian, she looks as charming as she could muster to convince the man to just slow down and get thru this situation quickly. "Relax, this isn't another car bombing, this is just a check point. Much as I'd like to run them over, it's not the best play right now."

Though the help from Dorian was welcome, she could clearly handle it on her own; she had quite a way with people, after all.

She really likes to throw around her weight (Duty + Understand) DC 15, Crit on 1-8: 2#1d20 1 7

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:04 am
by Kannon
[+2 Scene Momentum!]

Sardaukar said nothing, though he must have been feeling an urge to lay down the Emperor's law on someone, anyone, as he was doing the Harkonnen bidding and pulled over.

The Harkonnen officer approached, an ugly face knocking at the plaz. The expression of gloating slipped a bit when he saw a Sardaukar inside. Only then did he look toward the other seats, less sure it had been a good idea to stop them. His gaze landed on Edwell, than on Genevieve, for entirely different reasons.

"Say your piece." The Sardaukar barked, not even turning his face toward the Harkonnen, but grasping a small metal ball to play with it, roll it in his hand.

"There has been a Fremen terrorist attack. Sweeping operations are ongoing. The curfew remains at least until morning. When you get to the Residency, stay there until it all clears. The Observer is responsible for you, ain't he?" He chose to speak to Dorian, of all people. There was a sneer when he mentioned Fenring. "You were in the blast radius. Do you have anything to report?"

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:14 am
by Dorian Drake
Since the Harkonnen seemed to be avoiding their escort and Lady Wallach, instead choosing to address him, Dorian spoke up, "Unfortunately, we were too busy getting away from the danger and tending to my friend here to make any useful observations." He gestures towards the unconscious body of Edwell.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:18 am
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Bomilcar simply observes the situation, watching and keeping aney for anything problematic. Others were better at defusing, he was better at taking the brunt of an explosion.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:24 am
by Kannon
"Thought you may have seen Fremen scum fleeing. Damn sand maggots. We'll get them either way." The officer seemed to be losing insistence, trying not to look at the Sardaukar playing with the metal ball. "Terrorism is a weapon of the weak. They can't do any better than that." The man didn't seem to be bothered with the irony, or hipocrisy, of his words. He then stepped away and waved for them to be let through.

The next stop would be date palms, twenty of them, lining the driveway before the steps to the main door of the Residency.


Those on the roof were soon joined by another Sardaukar and then led into the large building, by unknown stairways.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:40 am
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Bomilcar followed inside as guided by the people in charge of security, looking around at the decor and relative opulence on a world as dry as this.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:47 am
by Kannon
They all converged in the Great Hall of the Residency, a cavernous two-story room with galleries, arched and pillared, opening into many passages. Richly lit with cleverly placed glowglobes, playing with the prancing fish patterns in the tiles on the floor, giving the impression of a shimmering sea, so very unlike the world beyond the walls. It seemed that whoever was coming to govern Arrakis, they were coming here with disdain for the world itself, and nostalgia.

The servants lined up to the left, extending the path to the central gallery. On top of that gallery there stood the Count and his Lady.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:55 am
by Count Fenring
"Um... ah... hmmm-uh.... ah.... Welcome. I hope... ah... that your trip here hasn't been too.... mh..... inconvenient, ah?"

The Count spoke with with his oft-begrudged mannerism, with a touch of casual warmth, nonchalance, and flare, but the tone belied his cold gaze to such an extent that it terrified.

"That Rabban... hah... doesn't seem to know... uh-hmmm... the first thing about hospitality... mmmm... Isn't that... hum.... right, my dear?"

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:08 am
by Genevieve Wallach
Kannon wrote:
Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:24 am
"Thought you may have seen Fremen scum fleeing. Damn sand maggots. We'll get them either way." The officer seemed to be losing insistence, trying not to look at the Sardaukar playing with the metal ball. "Terrorism is a weapon of the weak. They can't do any better than that." The man didn't seem to be bothered with the irony, or hipocrisy, of his words. He then stepped away and waved for them to be let through.

The next stop would be date palms, twenty of them, lining the driveway before the steps to the main door of the Residency.

"Well, that worked out rather well. Patience is a important trait, even for fools such as them, and we don't have to worry about our injured companion to boot" She comments to the Sardaukar with a warm smile. "Well then, if there are no more interruptions, let us be off and greet our wonderful hosts." She did her best to keep her eyes from rolling out of her head at that last statement.

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:57 am
by Lady Fenring
"Fortunately, my dear husband, we have an opportunity to rectify the situation. We shall host you tonight with pleasure, sirs and madams of the Imperium."

As radiantly beautiful as inscrutable, the Lady Fenring wore a long black gown that communicated her allegiance to Bene Gesserit without compromising her allure. She was taller than him. How such a repulsive man and such an exquisite woman form a harmonious pair was beyond understanding of most.

Presently, her gaze rested a bit longer on Genevieve. Whatever understanding or scrutiny had passed between two women was again beyond understanding of most.

"Let us invite you all to a banquet." She glanced at Edwell, who had regained consciousness recently but needed support to walk. "We won't hold it against you, however, if some of you choose to retire early tonight."

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:59 am
by Count Fenring
"We understand that because of some uh...ummmhh...mhmmm... security measures you shall stay in our Residency untill... mwah.... morning."

Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:14 am
by Genevieve Wallach
There is a nod in her head as she looks at Lady Fenring, lingering her gaze upon her for a moment before turning to the Count. "Yes, and your are most kind to offer us those accommodations this evening, Count Fenring. While I'm sure Mister Edwell may need to see it earlier than the rest of us, I welcome the chance to enjoy good company and, perhaps, good wine this evening. I find myself with quite the headache after that explosion, and that I feel it can only be wine that can help me cure it."

There is a long look at the two, standing tall with nothing but a respectful look upon them.