The Banquet [EE1]

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Genevieve Wallach
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Genevieve Wallach »

Weyer Paymon wrote:
Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:19 pm
"Quick to cross the dune's crest, aren't you, Lady Gene?" The man smiled wryly. "Since we're doing short names, you can call me Wey. I suppose we can figure out some pleasant subjects tonight. House Wallach has a reputation, but I'm not one to get hung on going beyond stereotypes and appearances."
She smiled at him and nodded. "After the day I've had, I'm perfectly content to avoid dune traveling as much as I can for the rest of the evening, if possible." She looked around for something alcoholic to drink with this meal and looked for it to be filled in a close cup of hers, preferably not by her own hand. "Most kind of you not to assume such things. I tend to tell people that have such hang-ups over my family that if you've done no wrong to someone, there's no need to worry about seeing a member of my family." Genevieve did a small laugh at her comment; she knew as well as anybody that doing "something wrong" pretty subjective. One who was not familiar with the craft would be shocked what little slight it took to cause someone to wish to kill them. "I'm perfectly content to get more personal with you later on, but since you know my family, why don't you tell me a little about yourself, instead."
House Wallach | Someone of Actual Note | Councilor of the Audit | Maybe Not a Assassin? | So Happy to be Here | Not Really
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Claudius Reins
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Stepping into the role of her boss, since he seems to have been delayed, Addison takes point for house Londine. Walking up to the ritual she frowns slightly, scanning the crowd before proceeding, attempting to waste as little as possible, even if some waste may be required by the ritual.

Addison-Understnad/Duty- Water Diff 1, TN 14, crit 1: 2#1d20 9 14
(2 Succsesses, +1 Momentem) (Duty Statement "Me and my Boss have each others back, TN drops to 13 if that isnt valid, still a pass no mementum)

She settles into one of the open seats at the table, keeping her head down and her mouth shut for the most part.
House Londine | Financial Analyst | Honest | Non-Combatant
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Bomilcar Thorvald
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Bomilcar Thorvald »

Lingar Bewt wrote:
Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:24 pm
"There isn't enough water on Arrakis for everyone to have as much as they want, or even need." Bewt commented. "Mostly it's the market forces that do the rationing."
Again, a simple nod. "Few drops could save a life," he clarified, not suggesting that there was a lot that could be done with it, but at least some small gesture.

"Bomilcar Thorvald," he says in introduction.
House Thorvald * Inglorious Bastard * Protector * Kind Heart * Hard Eyes * Intense * Scarred * Quiet
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Lorra Giap
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Lorra Giap »

The idea of cleaning your hands with water before doing anything like eating - or medical procedures - wasn't alien to the Ixian doctor.

It could be especially annoying how objectionable patients could be when this step was overlooked. Or omitted.

Regardless, she wondered how clean this cleaning ritual actually got anyone when everyone was using the same communal pool of water. Still, needs must.

Dip hands in, take hands out, shake shake like what the Count did(?), towel.

Lorra - Understand/Truth - Diff 1 TN16: 2#1d20 20 2
(Success, but complication?)
House Vernius | Suk Doctor | Imperial Conditioning | Tinkerer | Ixian
"I think, and my thoughts cross the barrier into the synapses of the machine - just as the good doctor intended."
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Rima Birawi
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Rima Birawi »

Dorian Drake wrote:
Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:11 pm
Dorian was chagrined to see that he had neglected to clean some of the blood off of himself. "Well Lady Rima, I must apologize for this breach of etiquette I've brought to the table, although I am beginning to see it may not be such an uncommon sight here on Arrakis."

Her lack of concern about the blood intrigued him. He had seen nobles who frequented the bloodsports and were excited by the violence. However, she didn't seem to share those same perversions. Her nonchalance felt like something more rooted in familiarity.

"So, what brings you here tonight?"
"You will meet people, Dorian, who think this is just dirty water." The profound implications of this were disturbing. People as sacks of water that could be reclaimed for anyone else's hydration. "Maybe you haven already met them." She then looked at the servants who tried to look invisible, then at the Count. "My reason to be here is simple, and not unlike yours: the esteemed Count Fenring invited me, and I gratefully came."
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Weyer Paymon
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Weyer Paymon »

Genevieve Wallach wrote:
Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:18 pm
She smiled at him and nodded. "After the day I've had, I'm perfectly content to avoid dune traveling as much as I can for the rest of the evening, if possible." She looked around for something alcoholic to drink with this meal and looked for it to be filled in a close cup of hers, preferably not by her own hand. "Most kind of you not to assume such things. I tend to tell people that have such hang-ups over my family that if you've done no wrong to someone, there's no need to worry about seeing a member of my family." Genevieve did a small laugh at her comment; she knew as well as anybody that doing "something wrong" pretty subjective. One who was not familiar with the craft would be shocked what little slight it took to cause someone to wish to kill them. "I'm perfectly content to get more personal with you later on, but since you know my family, why don't you tell me a little about yourself, instead."
There was wine, but yet unpoured; the exquisite wine glasses that couldn't have been originating from anywhere else than the glassmasters of Balut were filled with crystal-clear water, but at a distance from the seated that indicated they were meant for a toast.

"This planet teaches you to live with the prospect of your death more than any other I have known. Those whose business is death on demand don't strike the same fear on Arrakis as elsewhere in the Imperium. At least not without additional effort." The man called Wey smiled thinly. "I am a businessman, Lady Gene. Of the versatile kind. I trade in many things that are needed for functioning here."
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Omri B'rrican
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Omri B'rrican »

Claudius Reins wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:39 am
Stepping into the role of her boss, since he seems to have been delayed, Addison takes point for house Londine. Walking up to the ritual she frowns slightly, scanning the crowd before proceeding, attempting to waste as little as possible, even if some waste may be required by the ritual.

Addison-Understnad/Duty- Water Diff 1, TN 14, crit 1: 2#1d20 9 14
(2 Succsesses, +1 Momentem) (Duty Statement "Me and my Boss have each others back, TN drops to 13 if that isnt valid, still a pass no mementum)

She settles into one of the open seats at the table, keeping her head down and her mouth shut for the most part.
[+1 Scene Momentum]

A bald man sitting nearby nodded to her presence. "Not one for dawdling on the necessary, eh?"
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Lingar Bewt
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Lingar Bewt »

Bomilcar Thorvald wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:52 am

Again, a simple nod. "Few drops could save a life," he clarified, not suggesting that there was a lot that could be done with it, but at least some small gesture.

"Bomilcar Thorvald," he says in introduction.
"Lingar Bewt." The other man said simply, as he seemed happy enough to contemplate the mindset that had produced such a response to his earlier statement without further commenting on it.
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Abad Nejhre
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Abad Nejhre »

Lorra Giap wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:18 am
The idea of cleaning your hands with water before doing anything like eating - or medical procedures - wasn't alien to the Ixian doctor.

It could be especially annoying how objectionable patients could be when this step was overlooked. Or omitted.

Regardless, she wondered how clean this cleaning ritual actually got anyone when everyone was using the same communal pool of water. Still, needs must.

Dip hands in, take hands out, shake shake like what the Count did(?), towel.

Lorra - Understand/Truth - Diff 1 TN16: 2#1d20 20 2
(Success, but complication?)
[Complication: Belief that people on Arrakis just tend to be irrational and there is no need to search for deeper meanings.]

Her diamond was spotted and insistently gazed upon by the man in the cape that wore the Guild pin.
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Count Fenring
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Count Fenring »

Presently, the Fenrings picked up the water glasses. The Count spoke, looking at all the seated, noticing inescapably who was missing.

"You all... aah... have been briefed about the reasons to come here, by CHOAM and... umh-ah-ah... your Houses. A day like... oh-ah-hummm... this isn't one for pointless speeches, so let's proceed to... mmmm... practical considerations. You do the Emperor's bidding, ah-ah. My... mhhhhm... dear friend Shaddam expects you to be.... uh-ohm... thorough."

The Count's gaze landed on the Harkonnen at the table. That man's resolve broke a bit at the lats of Fenring's words. He scowled.

"House Harkonnen, the... oh-oh-ah-hmmm... present siridar governors of Arrakis will of course... oh-mhm... cooperate. Captain Kryubi here is... mhm... the Baron's personal appointee. An - ah - liaison. Oh-ha-hmm... the Baron's nephew who... has been charged with handling matters here is.... mhh-ah... too enveloped in problems to attend to your tasks in... oh... any manner. Mhmm... ever. How dangerous this planet can be has... oh-ah... been already impressed upon you... uh... today. An unpleasant lesson, but perhaps... mhmmm-ah... necessary."

Fenring didn't seem to enjoy speaking at length, he seemed to be getting bored with the necessity of it.

"I was made aware by Captain Kryubi that the Harkonnen need... mhh... an advance notice to secure areas for investigation because they are now dealing with... oh-mwhmm-ah... Fremen terrorists. Wherever beyond Arrakeen your investigations... oh-ah-ah... take you, you'll need an... ah... advance clearance. You shall file such... oh... requests with me, as well as report back your... ho-hum-ah... findings to me or my Lady, oh... directly."

He then stopped, apparently letting the Lady Fenring to pick it up.
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Lady Fenring
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Lady Fenring »

"Like you, my husband and I have come from Kaitain to ensure that this audit shall proceed according to its mandate. You will find Arrakis to be a very demanding place, punishing carelessness and lack of forethought. We ask you to be careful. Since you shall probably be spending a lot of time in the open, we have secured a water-reclaiming outfit for each of you. You shall find them in your rooms. They call it stillsuits." Lady Fenring's gaze landed on Ahmina for a moment but didn't linger long enough for anyone but another Bene Gesserit to notice. "The loss of presentability by wearing one is well-compensated by the survivability premium you obtain. They can initially be a bit difficult to fit on in an efficient way, but some of our servants here in the Residency can assist you with it."

She raised the glass.

"The scarcity of spice may be dictating the course of matters in the Imperium, but here at its source it is not spice that does so, but water. You shall never err in cherishing water here."

There were undoubtedly deeper meanings beneath what had just been said, but they weren't for everyone to discern.
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Count Fenring
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Count Fenring »

"For tonight, we have... uh-ahah... other beverages as well, but this toast is for the.. ah... Padishah Emperor to be pleased with you."

The Count took a sip of water and put the glass down. His lady did the same, though her sip was deeper. None of the poison snoopers over the table had flared so far.
Noble | Imperial Spice Minister | Friend of the Emperor | Assassin
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Claudius Reins
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Omri B'rrican wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 6:55 am

[+1 Scene Momentum]

A bald man sitting nearby nodded to her presence. "Not one for dawdling on the necessary, eh?"
She nods, "I am a researcher, I believe in efficiency, whenever possible, there is no need to waste time, when there is work to be done. "
House Londine | Financial Analyst | Honest | Non-Combatant
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Omri B'rrican
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Omri B'rrican »

"... And yet here we are." The man replied after speeches had concluded, having completed the toast with a hearty gulp. "Hope ain't it a waste of time for ye, eh?"
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Bomilcar Thorvald
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Bomilcar Thorvald »

Lingar Bewt wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 6:59 am
"Lingar Bewt." The other man said simply, as he seemed happy enough to contemplate the mindset that had produced such a response to his earlier statement without further commenting on it.
Bomilcar looked like he was about to ask a question when the count and lady started their speeches. He lifted his glass in response to the toast alongside the other that did so.

"What do you do?" he asks, before clearing his throat slightly.
House Thorvald * Inglorious Bastard * Protector * Kind Heart * Hard Eyes * Intense * Scarred * Quiet
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Lingar Bewt
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Lingar Bewt »

"I run some mining and distribution of water around here." Bewt said, having drained the glass after a salute to the hosts, becoming the king of understatement. "You, sir?"
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Claudius Reins
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Omri B'rrican wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:43 am
"... And yet here we are." The man replied after speeches had concluded, having completed the toast with a hearty gulp. "Hope ain't it a waste of time for ye, eh?"
"I would prefer to get to work on the audit immediately, but if our host feels the need to follow social protocols first, I am not important enough to gainsay him." She also takes a large gulp of the water during the toast.
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Omri B'rrican
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Omri B'rrican »

"And how are ye goin' to go about it? Do ye have some plan, some schedule? I'm askin' 'cause I imagine yer goin' to trouble me at some point, and I want to know when the hubbub is comin'."
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Claudius Reins
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Omri B'rrican wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:55 pm
"And how are ye goin' to go about it? Do ye have some plan, some schedule? I'm askin' 'cause I imagine yer goin' to trouble me at some point, and I want to know when the hubbub is comin'."
"The senior members are mostly going to be doing the visits, I haven't seen their schedules yet, I am sorry. I am mostly going to be diving into books and records, going over them with a fine tooth comb so that when the other auditors make their in person inspection they have something to compare to. "
House Londine | Financial Analyst | Honest | Non-Combatant
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Omri B'rrican
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Omri B'rrican »

"I have them, some books, up there in my office." He gestured behind the window in general, likely toward the Shield Wall. "The Harkonnen care of the numbers, heard their mentat's anal about them. Dinnae ken what ye want to find there, but hope it's quick. Rabban won't make it easy for me and my men if the production slips. Hard-workin' men have their work to do and lives to live."
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Dorian Drake
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Dorian Drake »

Rima Birawi wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 6:37 am

"You will meet people, Dorian, who think this is just dirty water." The profound implications of this were disturbing. People as sacks of water that could be reclaimed for anyone else's hydration. "Maybe you haven already met them." She then looked at the servants who tried to look invisible, then at the Count. "My reason to be here is simple, and not unlike yours: the esteemed Count Fenring invited me, and I gratefully came."
Dorian paused his conversation to listen to the Count and Lady's speeches and to raise his glass for the toast and included a 'Hear, hear.' in agreement with its sentiments.

Turning back to Rima, he smiled, "What an enigmatic answer. Well then, if you have been invited by the Count for tonight's dinner, then I suppose you have some insight to offer us into how the Harkonnens have been conducting their governorship?" He paused for a moment, but continued again before she could offer a reply, "But we can leave such discussions for another time. As you can imagine, I, as a swordmaster, do swordmaster things for my liege Duke Mutelli, but perhaps less frequently than what you might imagine. So, that leaves you, what is it that you do here on Arrakis?"
House Mutelli |Swordmaster of Ginaz | Duelist | Opulent | Charismatic
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Wears: Stillsuit and Red Sash over Shield Belt
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Claudius Reins
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Claudius Reins »

Omri B'rrican wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:06 pm
"I have them, some books, up there in my office." He gestured behind the window in general, likely toward the Shield Wall. "The Harkonnen care of the numbers, heard their mentat's anal about them. Dinnae ken what ye want to find there, but hope it's quick. Rabban won't make it easy for me and my men if the production slips. Hard-workin' men have their work to do and lives to live."
She smiles "Trust me I understand, I hope we won't disrupt you too much, its mostly comparing the books to actual inventory to make sure the numbers match. Also to track trends. Have you had much disruption from these terrorists lately?"
House Londine | Financial Analyst | Honest | Non-Combatant
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Rima Birawi
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Rima Birawi »

Rima drained the water in slow sips but didn't put the glass down before finishing, all the same glancing around over the rim, some of those glances on Dorian.

"I am a businesswoman, and the Harkonnen mean business, so no big issues on my end. There are some ups and downs, but I am rarely paid for indulging in the larger picture." Rima mused sweetly. "This planet being what it is, it gets people who come here alienated, stressed, lonely, wound up. My personnel cushions their necessities, offers some relief from those physical and mental discomforts, often adding some adventure and finesse."
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Omri B'rrican
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Omri B'rrican »

Claudius Reins wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:25 pm
She smiles "Trust me I understand, I hope we won't disrupt you too much, its mostly comparing the books to actual inventory to make sure the numbers match. Also to track trends. Have you had much disruption from these terrorists lately?"
"Ain't to sound willy-wally, but there's been too much. The desert folk and their razzias, then the Harkonnen pogroms, dust off, repeat. A lot of back and forth, never a calm day. We put lasguns on spotters these days. We lose one-two harvesters every week, and only only half to the worms."
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Dorian Drake
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Re: The Banquet [EE1]

Post by Dorian Drake »

Rima Birawi wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:37 pm
Rima drained the water in slow sips but didn't put the glass down before finishing, all the same glancing around over the rim, some of those glances on Dorian.

"I am a businesswoman, and the Harkonnen mean business, so no big issues on my end. There are some ups and downs, but I am rarely paid for indulging in the larger picture." Rima mused sweetly. "This planet being what it is, it gets people who come here alienated, stressed, lonely, wound up. My personnel cushions their necessities, offers some relief from those physical and mental discomforts, often adding some adventure and finesse."
"A very straightforward and admirable philosophy in business, as well as an admirable pursuit with your business. All work and no play makes people rebellious." Dorian takes a cue from Rima and drinks more of the offered water.

"Are you familiar with the stillsuits? I have little knowledge of their functional use and could use some help tonight in figuring it out, if you're available."
House Mutelli |Swordmaster of Ginaz | Duelist | Opulent | Charismatic
Carries: Two Kindjals and a Shield Belt
Wears: Stillsuit and Red Sash over Shield Belt
Accompanied by Lawtech Edwell Santini
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