Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:54 pm
The largest space for retail trading on Arrakis, encompassing a whole quarter of stalls, open day and night except for noon and the Hour of Assassins. Haggling is par de course, thievery is rampant, almost everything can be bought and sold here (though rarely of good quality or in bulk quantities), but the most sought-after commodity is water. While most other fare is spontaneously traded by various small merchants, water selling is highly organised and controlled. Water peddlers are distinguishable from the crowd both by their fezzes, their incesseant 'Soo-soo-sook!' calls and and their large drum-like cisterns they pull around on suspensors, having a precise mechanism for measuring the amount of water purchased and distributed. Displeasure between the pyons of the Graben and Pan and the desert people is frequent, and often ends in death of the former and escape of the latter, so Fremen are usually given wide berth unless one has to do business with them. Foodstuffs are available, but no poison snooper will allow an offworlder to eat them.