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[D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:48 pm
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Apparently it was important to be prepared. Before speaking with Fenring he wanted everyone to be aware of what everyone else learned. See if any conclusions could be drawn.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:07 am
by Dorian Drake
Dorian strolled into the room, moderately happy to be back in Arrakeen. They were something of a pariah here, but at least here was a bit more civilized.

He gave a nod to Bomilcar before taking a seat.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:09 pm
by Cuyler Gray
Cuyler entered shortly after. She greeted everyone and sat down.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:24 pm
by Dorian Drake
Dorian stood in front of the others and began speaking a clear and experienced tone, "Well, let's not be shy, I'll get us started.

We know that a large cache of spice was destroyed by Fremen saboteurs on our arrival.

Edwell and I were later attacked by some men who seemed to be from the Water Sellers' Union, although those from the local branch deny any knowledge. Someone should follow up to see if they've found out anything more about that.

When we went to investigate the site of the explosion, we found an active shield belt in the sand, placed there after the explosion. We found out it would be easy to assume the Harkonnens would be there later to blast the water thieving creatures with lasguns. So someone put it there to either destroy evidence or harm Harkonnens. We had to leave before we could investigate more, so maybe we can look more into that. I'm sure you are all very aware that the responsibility for the water shortage caused by these creatures has been placed on myself and a few others among the audit.

I've heard from Ms. Birawi that there might be something of interest in the offworlders who have been visiting Arrakis recently. I plan to follow up with her myself shortly.

Mr. Reins found out that an there's been a large increase in the loss of equipment at Splintered Rock. We found harvesters being cannibalized for parts to keep others running, and no new harvesters or parts in sight. That particular location seems almost abandoned by the Harkonnens.

In Carthag, Mr. Bomilcar and Mr. Santini found out that supplies from offworld have been steady, if not increasing, despite lowered spice yields being reported and the evident neglect we witnessed at Splintered Rock.

There was an altercation at the CHOAM Guesthouse involving some Harkonnens chasing down a woman. She ended up escaping through the roof with a thopter before we could find out more details.

At Chin Rock, they have a great number of new miners and new equipment. Apparently the veteran Dunemen from Splintered Rock were summarily executed not too long ago, leaving almost exclusively rookies behind. I spoke with the sole veteran I could find there and he mentioned a man from House Nebiro who visits on occasion to 'check' the equipment. Equipment which was replaced shortly afterwards. After our experience in the Cielago Depression, I suspect this equipment was modified to survive longer in the extreme heat for off the books spice harvesting there. If we wish to track down this man from Nebiro, we may be able to find him at Carthag or Wind Pass.

Lastly, following Mr. Bomilcar's intuition and some bats, as I alluded to, we headed into the Cielago Depression, where we witness a spice blow and the presence of a spice harvesting operation. We were attacked by unmarked thopters of military grade guarding the convoy and barely made it out... well most of us did.

I believe that wraps up all the points of interest that I am aware of."

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:54 pm
by Cuyler Gray
"There was also an unmarked thopter that attacked a carryall I was on at Splintered Rock." Cuyler spoke up. "My carryall was dispatched to rescue a harvester in distress. We did not find the harvester or its carryall, only bodies in the sand. We were attacked before we could get close and both of our escorts were likely lost. A worm swallowed the only survivor we saw."

"This is speculation, but it seemed like the harvester and carryall may have been taken and they're destruction blamed on a worm attack." she continued. "Had we gotten there a few minutes later, we would not have found anything to suggest otherwise."

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:56 pm
by Bomilcar Thorvald
"Hiding mining operation. Probably blow collection. Need to find base," Bomilcar added, alluding to what the books revealed. "Talking to Zenzi later. Ask about sellers."

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:36 am
by Claudius Reins
Reins makes it in to the meeting bringing his board of notes with him.
1) Secret Spice Warehouses in Arakeen Destroyed upon our arrival
2) Primary Harvesting base being underfunded/parts being routed to other locations
3) Harvester Parts Warehouse Sabotaged to stop inspection
4) Books hiding funds being funneled to possible unknown/undisclosed Spice mining Facility

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:20 am
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Claudius gets a nod in greeting. He was not the best choice to catch people up or speak at length about how everything should fit together. But he would be there to provide bits that he understood.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:32 pm
by Bomilcar Thorvald
It was quiet. "Attack yesterday. Hired guns for Harkonnen?"

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:35 pm
by Cuyler Gray
"If they're harvesting off the books, they'd be very careful about who was directly involved. They'd trust only the most loyal." Cuyler said.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:43 pm
by Bomilcar Thorvald
"So... paying a lot. Or internal?" he asks. "Personnel files?"

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:19 pm
by Genevieve Wallach
Gene sat down and smiled at everyone. For now, she didn't feel the need to bring out her handy listening device to keep out the unwanted ears. They were already starting to make some waves in this audit, so likely those who would be interested in this,

"You all have been busy. Very good."

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:02 pm
by Cuyler Gray
Bomilcar Thorvald wrote:
Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:43 pm
"So... paying a lot. Or internal?" he asks. "Personnel files?"
"I don't know what we have of that." Cuyler frown. "Are you asking about the pilot? Can you give us a fuller description?"

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:35 pm
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Clearing his throat before starting his list. "Shaved head, bald. Middle aged. Dark eyes. Cruel smile. Thick neck. Strong build. Pale skin," he says listing of traits that he remembered of the man, that he had seared into his mind.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:47 pm
by Cuyler Gray
"Pale skin?" Cuyler mused. "Not someone who's spent much time in the sun."

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 11:38 pm
by Dorian Drake
Bearing some of the responsibility for Ahmina's presence with the auditors, Dorian spoke up, "Once we find out who is responsible, I will assist where I can." He rested his hands meaningfully on the hilts of his kindjals while speaking. But Cuyler did make a strong point, not many pale men on Arrakis. Fewer still, he would expect, among mercenaries who worked hard to earn their living.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 11:51 pm
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Then it struck like lightning in his mind. I he had needed that. The thought he had missed. "Image of Rabban... Find one."

It was clear he had connected some dots and come up with a name that fit. Now he wanted to confirm.

"Pale, important, cruel, vicious."

D7 FMS, Understand+Justice, TN 11, Difficulty 3, +2 threat: 4#1d20 3 5 17 1
Success, +1 momentum, +2 threat

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:42 am
by Cuyler Gray
"Rabban?" Cuyler raised an eyebrow. "Well, that description does sound appropriate somehow."

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:36 am
by Yasim Orchid
Near the back of the room, Yasim was quiet. Trying to see what it all meant. How he could best lend support and aid. The young man's eyes were bright, taking in those gathered. His lips fixed on a hard line, as if the very physical act would help in understanding.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:40 am
by Reyyan Ebrahammi
The tall imposing form of the Sardaukar levenbrech entered without a word during Dorian's speech. She was in full armor and armed to the teeth, but said nothing, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed like a bouncer at a bar. The mirror like finish on her helmet reflected the room back at anyone who looked her way.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:48 am
by Kannon
Cuyler Gray wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:42 am
"Rabban?" Cuyler raised an eyebrow. "Well, that description does sound appropriate somehow."
It was easy to check in their briefing materials. Shown to Bom, it could provide a confirmation. There weren't exactly many people like Glossu Rabban, Count of Lankiveil, called 'the Beast', or Mudir Nahya by the Fremen. Unless... there was a Tleilaxu ploy and that was a face dancer?

[Legitimate suspicion!]

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:47 am
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Bom had to believe that they were no face dancer, since their presence there would have been completely unexpected and Rabban fit the description perfectly. In fact, he seemed to fit it personality wise as much as physically.

"It's him," he confirmed. "Secret facility. He's there. Must be."

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:57 pm
by Yasim Orchid
"So how do we get in?" A manicured eyebrow was raised, Yasim looking to Bom, arms crossed over his chest.

Re: [D7 LA] Pre Briefing

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:03 pm
by Bomilcar Thorvald
Bom shakes his head. "No clue. Find it, break in."