Adjusted Talents

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Adjusted Talents

Post by Kannon »

The Maker | Blessed Her Coming and Going
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Post by Kannon »

At the start of a scene, if there is no Momentum you can use in a group pool, roll 1d20. If you roll equal to or less than your
Discipline score, add 1 to that group Momentum pool.
  • This interacts with the house rule on Game Momentum that you cannot draw more Momentum than you have contributed to the pool, plus 1. It refers to both your personal bedrock and the one for the whole group.
  • The Talent can be instead applied to Scene Momentum. As Scene Momentum is always 0 at the start of the scene, it always applies.
The Maker | Blessed Her Coming and Going
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Post by Kannon »

Once per scene you may entertain the group with a short performance. This might be playing the balliset, singing, reciting a poem, dancing, or even juggling. Once the performance is over you may add 1 to the group’s Scene Momentum pool.
The Maker | Blessed Her Coming and Going
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Subtle Steps

Post by Kannon »


While the first die is free, the second still costs 2 Threat or Momentum.
The Maker | Blessed Her Coming and Going
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